Vážení piloti,

máme to potěšení pozvat Vás na otevřené 23. Mistrovství ČR v balónovém létání, které se bude konat od 20. do 24. 8. 2019 na letišti v Jindřichově Hradci.

Centrum soutěže a veškeré zázemí budeme mít přímo na sportovním letišti Aeroklubu Jindřichův Hradec, které se nachází 1 km západně od města. Soutěž se bude konat v místě s nádhernou jihočeskou krajinou, kde se nachází řada luk, rybníků, historických památek a také ploch vhodných pro starty a přistání horkovzdušných balónů.

Ředitele soutěže a jeho tým jsme pro tento ročník pozvali z Belgie. Lidé ve vedení soutěže tvoří zkušený tým, který je zárukou zajímavé a atraktivní soutěže pro piloty, jejich týmy i diváky.

Organizátorem je Aeronautic club Brno, Český balónový svaz s podporou Aeroklubu Jindřichův Hradec a Aeroklubu ČR.

Plánujeme 8 soutěžních letů od středy do soboty, soutěž bude platná pokud se uskuteční minimálně dva soutěžní lety s celkem třemi disciplínami. Naším cílem je stanovit vítěze mezinárodní soutěže a českého vítěze Mistrovství republiky 2019.


Event details:

The Competition Center, Registration, Briefing and main CLA will be at Airport: Jindrichuv Hradec, 49.150765/14.974133.

Official  language of the event: English

Eligibility: Pilots with a minimum of 30 hours AX P1 on the date of the General Briefing.

Rules: 2019 FAI-CIA AXMER Model Rules with organizer’s options. The rules will be made available to all registered pilots via event’s website.

Insurance: Evidence of insurance according to REGULATION (EC) No 785/2004 must be presented.

Loggers: The FAI Loggers will be used for tracking and scoring. More information on FAI loggers on http://www.balloonloggers.org/

Observers: No Observers will be used.

Entry Fee: 300 EUR (7.650 CZK) including: organizer service, loggers, maps, morning coffee, prices.

Detail of payment:

account for payment in CZK:

name: Aeronautic club Brno

account No.: 19-8668040287/0100

IBAN: CZ9201000000198668040287


message: Entry fee, pilot name


account for payment in EUR:

name: Pavel Kostrhun, Aeronautic club Brno

account No.: 2300866585/2010

IBAN: CZ8020100000002300866585


message: Entry Fee, pilot name


Event Organizer:

Pavel Kostrhun, Assistant: Jana Ševčíková, Olga Mazouchová

Aeronautic club Brno, Czech Balloon Federation

Sporting Director: Jonas Maes (BEL)

Assistant: Pat Alliët (BEL)

Office Management: Brigitte Fouache (BEL)

Scoring: Ilona Gizatullina (RUS), Olga Mazouchova (CZE)

Measuring: Karin Reyns and members of Czech Balloon Federation

Jury President to be announced

Safety Officer: to be announced

Provisional Programme:

Tuesday 20.8.2019:

12.00 – 15:30 Registration, 17:00 General Briefing, 19:30 Opening ceremony at the airport

Wednesday 21.8.:

05:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight, 17:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight

Thursday 22.8.:

05:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight, 17:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight

Friday 23.8.:

05:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight, 17:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight

Saturday 24.8.:

05:30 Task Briefing & Competition Flight, 17:00 Task Briefing & Competition Flight

Saturday evening: Prize-giving at 21:00 - 22:00


Propane will be billed separately, divided by all competiton pilots. At the registration, we will collect an advance sum of 250€ in cash, if you opt in for refuelling. Price for 1 liter of propane will be +/- 0.55€.

First refuelling will be done after the first flight, last refuelling will be done before the last competition flight. After each refuelling, a gas bill for all balloons will be displayed on an official board. Fiesta balloons will be refuelled at a different time and the gas will not be counted towards competition balloons.


WhatsApp: We are planning to use WhatsApp to simplify the communication between the Director and the competitors. We are also preparing WindSond online information before and during the flight for all pilots.

Radios: VHF radio is required during all flights, there will be a special flight operation at Jindřichův Hradec airport.


Accommodation in town is about 1-4 km away.

We are trying to arrange the best possible price deals with the partners of the event.

  1. We can also offer low budget accommodation at student home in triple/quadriple rooms for 13E per person per night. Name: Svecova kolej, hotelvse.cz/koleje-/
  2. Hotel Corcertino, town centre, a good price will be offered to you if you are interested (tell us). concertino.cz
  3. Hotel Frankův dvůr, living in the countryside, near the airport, a good price will be offered to you if you are interested (tell us). frankuv-dvur.cz
  4. Can be booked separately via booking.com

The team of organizers will be accommodated at a small guesthouse at the airport.  There is no accommodation available at the airport for the competitors. Tent or caravan space without water and electricity supply will be available upon request.


  • Coffee / tee and snacks before morning flights will be free for competitors.
  • On your registration form you can choose the option of hot breakfast (brunch) after the morning flight and dinner before the evening flight from Tuesday evening to Saturday evening including the opening ceremony and the award ceremony at a price of 100 Eur (9 meals) per person.
  • Snacks at extra cost to be paid on spot will be ready at the airport after each evening flight.
  • There is also a small airport pub onsite.


There will be a designated parking area for balloon trailers at the airport.  These can be left overnight - the area will be surveilled between 21.00 and 6.00 each night.  At the moment we are dealing with the city of Jindřichův Hradec to arrange city parking cards for competition vehicles.

Main organizer address:

Aeronuatic club Brno, Bolzanova 10, Brno, IČ: 44965320, e-mail: info@balloon2019.cz

Pavel Kostrhun, kostrhun@renc.cz


via online registration form



Deadline for Registration is 31.7.2019, maximum number of Competitors: 40

With best regards,

Pavel Kostrhun

Chief organiser
President of the Czech Balloon Federation